People-watching is an art. Some people can pick a person out from a crowd and tell you exactly where they're from, just based on their appearance, speech, and body language. But you don't have to be psychic to do it, you just have to know a little bit about each state's culture. To make it easier on you, here are 10 funny things Iowans do that no one else understands:
1. They will give you a friendly wave, and make it a point to say "Hello," even if they don't know you
This is that "Iowa Nice" everyone talks about.
2. They are masters of small talk
Iowans are the best at small talk. When you live in Iowa, and the weather is always doing something crazy, you learn to make pretty good small talk about it. "How about that crazy Iowa weather, huh?"
3. When they go to a restaurant, they order a pop
And then they have to explain to the confused waitress that they mean the drink, like a cherry coke. In the hierarchy of funny things about Iowa, this one is pretty silly. (Are you Team Pop? Or Team Soda?)
4. If you tell them to bring a treat, you can expect either puppy chow or scotcharoos
You may be confused, and tell them that you meant a treat for the people, not the dog. They'll just laugh and tell you that puppy chow is for people, of course!
5. They are the ones wearing shorts while everyone else is bundled up in winter jackets - your winter is their summer!
During winters in the warm states, locals can easily spot Iowans - they are the ones swimming around in the freezing cold water like it's a warm bath. But it pretty much is a warm bath for them!
6. You can find them rocking an Iowa shirt just about anywhere they go
You bet we're packing our favorite college football t-shirt, that's the best vacation wear!
7. They always dress in layers because they're used to Iowa weather, where they never know what to expect
Winter jacket in the morning and shorts in the afternoon isn't a strange sight where we come from. That's just one of those Iowa things you have to get used to.
8. When it comes to avoiding deer and other critters on the road, they have ninja-like driving skills
They will have seen the deer and be stopped before you even know what happened.
9. They will ask you for directions in minutes, or by landmarks
"Oh, so you turn left by that big tree across from that yellow house? Now I know what you're talking about!" or "What do you mean it takes 20 minutes to drive five miles in this city?!"
10. When they tell you they're from Iowa, they will crack a joke about their state, tell you where they would like to live, and then tell you why they love Iowa, and would never leave
What else would you add to the list of funny things Iowans do? Leave your funny Iowa quirks in the comments. And if you're feeling all.the.state.pride right now, you'll love these reasons why living in Iowa is the best. You are sure to find a few more Iowa funny things.
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