(Editors Note: we have received unofficial word that No Trespassing signs that are in place at Devils Tramping Ground are now being enforced. Read all you want about this ghastly place to camp, but think twice before you risk going to jail just to get a glimpse of the devil.)
Ask anyone in North Carolina about the Devil's Tramping Ground - they're sure to have a story. It's a North Carolina legend. The 40 ft. circle completely devoid of life has been this way since I - and most people - can remember. What exactly is this mainstay of haunted North Carolina? Does the devil really roam these grounds, and better yet, why will nothing grow or stay in the circle?
Located in the rolling hills of Chatham County near Bear Creek, this barren patch of land has been absent of life for hundreds of years.
Nothing will grow here. Place something in the circle overnight; it will have been violently thrown out come morning.
Stories passed down claim the land is where the devil enters the earth.
He scorches the ground and comes through for a nightly, earthly reign in which he paces the circle and plots his evil. Lighter sources claim this is simply where the devil comes to 'dance.' To get even more relaxed about it, the area around the circle is sometimes littered or vandalized with 'spooky' graffiti. Although it has become a place of legend and folklore, the story of the Devil and his nightly terror dates back to before Chatham County was founded, during the War for Independence. Whatever the devil, or nature, is doing here, it sure is mysterious. Dogs howl and bark at the empty spot of land, some won't even go near it.
People who've been brave enough to camp in the circle overnight have encountered strange figures lurking in the woods.
Some say they never feel 'sane' again. However you view it, the Devil's Tramping Ground is a terribly eerie place.
However you view it, the Devil's Tramping Ground is a terribly eerie place.
Once you hit a strong curve on Devil's Tramping Ground Road, you'll see a path leading down through the woods.
Follow the path to experience the circle for yourself. Stay overnight if you dare.
Watch this video if you want to learn more about the history of Devils Tramping Ground:
You'll find this haunting place ten miles south of Siler City, on State Road 1100, Devil's Tramping Ground Road. There are plenty of places to camp in the area, but this might be the absolute scariest place to pitch a tent in North Carolina. Have you had any personal experiences at the Devil's Tramping Ground? What do you think is the story behind this mysterious place?
If you love learning about haunted places in North Carolina, take a night drive down these haunted roads.
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