Have some purr therapy at Arkansas' first and only cat cafe. Purr Catfe is a kitty-lovers dream filled with lovable cats needing a furrever home. Whether you're looking for a new addition to the family or just need a few hours of playtime with some fuzzy friends, this little catfe will leave you purring!
Please note, Purr Catfe has permanently closed.
Today's featured cafe isn't your typical coffee house.
The Purr Catfe of NWA is the first and only cat cafe in Arkansas. The adoptable cat shop first started trending in Taiwan in the early 1990s and has slowly gained popularity in the United States. This catfe opened in 2016 and has helped over 500 kitties find forever homes!
The catfe's clutter is meowing mix of felines from cool jellicle cats to lazy chonks.
Find the purrfect match for your family's companion needs. The catfe has every personality type from playful kittens to older lounge cats. These kitties are all ready to play and cuddle even if you're not looking to take one or two home.
It's serious work being an "employee" for the catfe.
Not just any kitty can join the clutter at the catfe. Each cat is chosen from local shelters and rescues for their high socialization skills and friendliness. It's easy to fall in love with every fuzz here!
Hang out at the catfe for some much needed purr therapy and fun.
Entry to the catfe is only $8 for the whole day and an extra $2 for unlimited hot beverages. Children ages 10 and older are welcomed as well. You can also have private parties at the catfe, too!
You may just find a new addition to the family!
It's completely fine to just come and play with these guys but the main goal is to find these kitty forever homes. Adoptions are $60-80 depending on which facility the kitty came from. For more information about the Purr Catfe of NWA head to their website or follow their Facebook Page.
Have you kittened around at the Purr Catfe before? Share your purrfect experience with us in the comments below!
While you're in NWA be sure to stroll around this historic square, it's utterly dazzling this time of year!
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